Narrative essay

Whenever I think of the incident that transpired on that particular Thursday afternoon, I get a nasty feeling about the challenges of working as a respiratory therapist. Is it that all the health care practitioners should have a calling to their work or should work as a profession? As a respiratory therapist, I usually work in the intensive care and the operating rooms, but I also engage in the outpatient activities. I am a specialist and an educator in the fields of cardiology and pulmonology. Most of the patients I attend to are in the ICU and the emergency departments struggling for their lives. At times, I manage the pre-hospital and the hospital to hospital patient transport by air or by mobile road ambulance. Most of the patients have illnesses ranging from asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Other have a heart attack and sleep disorders. On a certain Thursday afternoon late last year, I had one of the many challenges in my line of service.

I reported to work as usual and said a prayer before the start of my daily chores. I attended to several patients having varying illnesses, and most of them had a hope of getting well in due time. I decided to take a short rest during lunch hour after realizing that there were no more patients to attend. However, after few minutes, I received a call from the hospital superintendent that there was an emergency case I required to attend. The details clarified that I had to travel with several nurses to a nearby village to seek what we could do to save the situation. There was a man in his later forties who lived with asthma for a long time. I looked at him in desperation knowing that I could do my best to save the situation though he was in a life-threatening stage. He could not talk, had flared nostrils, his skin was bluish tint from the mouth region and under the fingernails. The man lacked adequate oxygen circulation in the blood stream.

My professional’s values require that I serve to the best of my ability to save lives and restore health. We teamed up with the nurses to address the condition, but our attempts seemed futile. All our first aid attempts failed to change the situation. I instructed the nurses to lay him in the ambulance and rush to the hospital for further treatment. I think that it was a rough day for me since every other attempt to save the man failed. He lost his life as we worked tirelessly to save it. I felt discouraged, guilty, and emotionally disturbed and could not attend to other patients that day. I questioned my work as a respiratory therapist and whether it was a calling or out of influence to study the particular discipline. According to my understanding, such occurrences were inevitable, but some could be saved regardless of their severity. I did not understand why the man could lose his life in the hands of professionals and experts in the field.

It was sad news to the close family members and very challenging to break the same news to the wife who was also ill of another health condition. In some instances, the experiences of healthcare practitioners are hard to relate with though they form part of the daily life. The work of a respiratory therapist is challenging, but the desire to continue improving the quality of life compels me to serve wholeheartedly.

Gross domestic product

Gross domestic product encompasses the monetary value of all the goods and services that have attained completion, produced within the borders of a certain country and additionally should be within a defined timeline. The elements that make GDP distinctive is the fact that it encompasses all the public as well as private consumption, investments, government outlays as well as the exports, ignoring the imports that are occurring with the defined territory. In a nutshell, GPP presents a broad assessment of a country’s general economic activity (Higgs, 2015).

The HDI is a tool that the UN developed to assist in the assessment and consequently rank the levels of social as well as economic development in different countries through the application of the four set criteria. These include life expectancy at birth, the average years of schooling, and the expected number of schooling years as well as the gross national income per capita. Through the HDI, it is possible to track the variations in development levels over a certain course of time and additionally to offer comparison for the developments that are occurring in different countries. The creation of the HDI was meant to serve the objective of emphasizing that people along with their abilities need to be the decisive criteria for the assessment of the developments that are taking place in a country and not just the economic growth (Darvishan & Hakimzadeh, 2015). HDI are also applicable to the assessment of the national policy choices by asking the manner in which two countries that have a similar level of GNI per capita are ending up with dissimilar human development outcomes. These dissimilarities are applied in developing debates on the policy priorities by a government.

Inclusive wealth entails a monetary measure that is made if the summation of the natural, physical as well as the human assets. The natural capital encompasses the forests, land, fossil fuels as well as the minerals. The human capital is in reference to the population’s skills and education. The physical which represents the manufactured products encompass things as buildings, machinery as well as infrastructure. The reference point of the IWR is the fact that the productive base of a nation is dependent on the human capital, manufactured capital as well as the natural capital (Polasky, et al., 2015). The assessment of the human along with the natural produced capital that encompass the components of inclusive wealth provide a broader as well as a more comprehensive assessment of the performance of a country’s economy. Through the reliance on IWR as the economic measurement tool, countries will enjoy an innovative yardstick that will be offering them a new perspective relating to their economic performance in the recent decades. The measurement is better that the traditionally applied GDP in offering a reflection of the sustainable development of nations.

There are various attribute that make GDP a poor measure of a country’s economic progress. These challenges demerits include: GDP does not take into account the measurements of the quality of life in country. The quality is applied in the evaluation of the general wellbeing of individuals as well as societies in that it is wrong to confuse the quality of live with standards of living which relies on the primary income. Quality of life entails employment, wealth, physical as well as mental health and education among others Higgs, 2015). The fact that GDP fails to take the quality of life into consideration during its measurements makes it s limited measure of a nation’s progress. GDP ignores the impact that the informal markets have on an economy. It fails to address the activities of the black market where the money that is spent does not get regulated. The failure to comprehensively address the informal markets thus makes GDP a limited measure of economic progress of a nation. The fact that GDP has the tendency of overestimating the negative externalities which are the bad effects that third parties suffer following the production or consumption of a good or service makes it poor measures of economic progress. Whenever there is an increase in the GDP, there is also a concurrent increase in the adversarial externalities such as water and air pollution (Higgs, 2015). As GDP overestimates the negative externalities, it consequently limits it as a criteria for examining the welfare that between different countries.

Another measure that applies to assessing the progress of a nation is the genuine progress indicator (GPI). The advantages that come with GPI is the fact that it assists the policy makers to assess the well their citizen are doing both socially and economically (Hayashi, 2015). Human development index as an additional measure assesses the progress of a nation in three dimensions of human development. These include a healthy and long life attributed to the life expectancy at birth, knowledge attributed to the school enrollment rates and literacy levels as well as decent living standards seen via the GDP per capita. The ecological footprint as the additional measure assesses quantity of land as well as waters area that a human populations needs to be able to produce the resources they consume as well as to absorb its water via the available technologies.

Security and privacy impact

The incidents relating to security are on the rise at an alarming rate each year. Additional there is an increase of these threats complexity so do measures for security that are needed to protect the networks. Network administrators, data center operator’s m, and other professionals in the data center have to comprehend the security basics so as to manage safely and deploy the networks of today.

The internet has transformed the way people connect in the present era. The use of the internet presents whole new options for organizations and users are it in social networking, e-commerce, and enterprises among others. Since many people are now using and enjoying the benefits of the internet, the main question is how well protected are the networks from intruders. For a long time the question has been the use of the firewall, but how long will it take for the firewall become extinct (Singer, and Friedman 2014).

This paper presents the current practice of securing the networks systems by use of firewalls to determine if they are becoming extinct. I the paper also outline the aspects that the network engineers should expect internet security to be in the next two years. I finally I will give a picture of how networks will be like in the next two years in light with the mobile devices proliferation (Kaplan, Chinn, and Marcus, 2015).

With the proliferation of devices with wireless productivity, such as tablets and smartphones, the number of devices having access and connections with the data centers are exploding. The proliferation increases the perimeter security burden since these devices enhance additional services accessibility from any location with a greater volume of traffic. The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks is taking toll of online businesses. Though some cases of DDoS attacks may occur from non-economic reasons as they were the case of the past, they are now being taken advantage of by attackers who are monetary driven including corporate revenue, competitive advantage, and extortion. About DDoS protection, many Internet data Centers operators and enterprises tend to have a false sense of security. They think their services security from the DDoS attacks by simply deploying firewalls and intrusion prevention systems in front of their services. However, these deployments do expose companies to irate customers and service outages. The IDC and enterprises lose money when there are on critical services of the business, and this damages their customer relationship. Additional when there are no services as a result of external attacks, it can be unwelcome and sensational front pages news damaging the reputation of the company yet it is a damage that can be prevented (Gehem, Usanov and Frinking 2015).

There is also a new type of DDos attack that threatens the viability of a business service provider. Thus, the attacks have the potential of harming the e-commerce. The firewalls, IPS devices and other products for security are vital aspects in a layered -defense strategy. However, they are only meant to solve security problems that are different from DDoS mitigation and detection products. The firewall only acts a policy were enforcing the prevention of access to unauthorized data. Additionally, the IPS devices are for blocking the in attempts that lead to theft of data. Moreover, the firewalls and IPS devices are in line, state solutions and they are vulnerable to the DDoS attacks since they become the targets.

Therefore in this moving, and the highly open world the walled -garden of the old approach to securing the computers as the intranets and firewalls are getting out of step (Abouzakhar, 2015).

What should network engineers expect to happen with security in 2 years?

Security professionals in the next two years are expected to update their skills in new technologies. They will adapt, update and identify skills of dealing with the state-backed espionage in democratic states since it will no longer be only for North Korea and China. Businesses will also face complications in Balkanized Internet which will no longer work. Thus, it is essential for the internet engineers to maintain and coordinate partnership regarding information sharing across the servers. It will provide stronger support to cyber resilience and engage other multi-stakeholders in the process of governance in sharing intelligence (Lindstrom, 2008). The accessibility of web-based services from a broader internet will be the main target for activists, competitors, and others for political or negative agenda (Stevens, 2015).

Also, as data centers become more focused on the users, the customers and employee will increasingly depend on the internet services. Therefore, there is a need for enterprises to ensure that their main data center services maintain accessibility not just within the technical contingencies but also from the motivated opposition (Brenner, 2011).

The increasing connectivity as a result of the internet use and its ability to accessibility anywhere means that it is vital to segment properly the internal network by ensuring that the internal threats, as well as improper accesses, are not allowed to the data center. The core firewall segmentation should at the same time keep increasing its speed within the network core what will networks look like in 2 years, given the proliferation of mobile devices?

Traffic for mobile devices will need major emphasis on small packet performance with the gearing of data center applications towards smaller bites and screens of information. Other solutions for network security will also be for them to attain their performance specifications similar to the larger packet sizes. However, they can significantly degrade when traffic shifts to the smaller packet sizes and larger numbers of users. With the increase of the care network, there will be the need for high -speed 100 GbE and 40 GbE, as well as high port density, becomes vital. Also, there will be a need for network security appliances applicable throughout the data centers so as to connect efficiently within the high-speed fabric network (Lee 2015).

As the fight against cyber warfare and online crime continues to grow, and then there is the need for highly trained professionals on cyber security with relevant skills. Predicting the state of cyber security in the next few years gives an opportunity for every IT security engineers to perfect his or her skills.