Gross domestic product

Gross domestic product encompasses the monetary value of all the goods and services that have attained completion, produced within the borders of a certain country and additionally should be within a defined timeline. The elements that make GDP distinctive is the fact that it encompasses all the public as well as private consumption, investments, government outlays as well as the exports, ignoring the imports that are occurring with the defined territory. In a nutshell, GPP presents a broad assessment of a country’s general economic activity (Higgs, 2015).

The HDI is a tool that the UN developed to assist in the assessment and consequently rank the levels of social as well as economic development in different countries through the application of the four set criteria. These include life expectancy at birth, the average years of schooling, and the expected number of schooling years as well as the gross national income per capita. Through the HDI, it is possible to track the variations in development levels over a certain course of time and additionally to offer comparison for the developments that are occurring in different countries. The creation of the HDI was meant to serve the objective of emphasizing that people along with their abilities need to be the decisive criteria for the assessment of the developments that are taking place in a country and not just the economic growth (Darvishan & Hakimzadeh, 2015). HDI are also applicable to the assessment of the national policy choices by asking the manner in which two countries that have a similar level of GNI per capita are ending up with dissimilar human development outcomes. These dissimilarities are applied in developing debates on the policy priorities by a government.

Inclusive wealth entails a monetary measure that is made if the summation of the natural, physical as well as the human assets. The natural capital encompasses the forests, land, fossil fuels as well as the minerals. The human capital is in reference to the population’s skills and education. The physical which represents the manufactured products encompass things as buildings, machinery as well as infrastructure. The reference point of the IWR is the fact that the productive base of a nation is dependent on the human capital, manufactured capital as well as the natural capital (Polasky, et al., 2015). The assessment of the human along with the natural produced capital that encompass the components of inclusive wealth provide a broader as well as a more comprehensive assessment of the performance of a country’s economy. Through the reliance on IWR as the economic measurement tool, countries will enjoy an innovative yardstick that will be offering them a new perspective relating to their economic performance in the recent decades. The measurement is better that the traditionally applied GDP in offering a reflection of the sustainable development of nations.

There are various attribute that make GDP a poor measure of a country’s economic progress. These challenges demerits include: GDP does not take into account the measurements of the quality of life in country. The quality is applied in the evaluation of the general wellbeing of individuals as well as societies in that it is wrong to confuse the quality of live with standards of living which relies on the primary income. Quality of life entails employment, wealth, physical as well as mental health and education among others Higgs, 2015). The fact that GDP fails to take the quality of life into consideration during its measurements makes it s limited measure of a nation’s progress. GDP ignores the impact that the informal markets have on an economy. It fails to address the activities of the black market where the money that is spent does not get regulated. The failure to comprehensively address the informal markets thus makes GDP a limited measure of economic progress of a nation. The fact that GDP has the tendency of overestimating the negative externalities which are the bad effects that third parties suffer following the production or consumption of a good or service makes it poor measures of economic progress. Whenever there is an increase in the GDP, there is also a concurrent increase in the adversarial externalities such as water and air pollution (Higgs, 2015). As GDP overestimates the negative externalities, it consequently limits it as a criteria for examining the welfare that between different countries.

Another measure that applies to assessing the progress of a nation is the genuine progress indicator (GPI). The advantages that come with GPI is the fact that it assists the policy makers to assess the well their citizen are doing both socially and economically (Hayashi, 2015). Human development index as an additional measure assesses the progress of a nation in three dimensions of human development. These include a healthy and long life attributed to the life expectancy at birth, knowledge attributed to the school enrollment rates and literacy levels as well as decent living standards seen via the GDP per capita. The ecological footprint as the additional measure assesses quantity of land as well as waters area that a human populations needs to be able to produce the resources they consume as well as to absorb its water via the available technologies.

Superstition Assignment

Superstitions are a type of magic that people believe that practicing certain rituals brings them good luck, prevent illness, evade evil, and other related outcomes. As such, superstitions can be in different types depending on the context. The remarks or actions made by others can be superstitious in some way.

I experienced an incident that seemed superstitious. I used to visit my grandmother during holidays to spend some time with her and assist her in the daily chores. However, in one particular incidence, she made some remarks that appeared superstitious. She said that she had a grudge with my other family members because they neglected her in her time of need. According to my understanding, the remarks seemed superstitious since I did not know how she could react in her grudge against my family members. She could even do harm to me as a form of revenge.

In one instance, a young man came straight to a lady and started hurling insults at her without a clear basis of the source of the hostility. The lady felt disturbed and concerned that she did not know the guy and yet went ahead to insult her. I find the incident superstitious since no one can tell the reason the guy behaved the way he did. It leaves a lot to think about because they were strangers to each other. The unclear intentions of the young man make it very superstitious.

Another incident involved two ladies who were not in good terms. One lady, Janette used to visit the other on weekends and carried a small bag which she used to forget intentionally behind only to be reminded later about it. The trend continued on several occasions until the other lady became suspicious of a small bag. The actions by Janette are superstitious since she might be sending a clear signal to the other lady of bad luck. The fact that she left the small bag intentionally shows that she there was something she intended to do the other lady.

I think that all the examples outlined clear explanations about superstitions based on personal remarks or actions. In the first incident, my grandmother ought not to say the remarks she said because they live a lot to consider. The remarks elicit fear and imaginations about the likely course of action that she intended to take. She could leave a curse, cause evil, or seek for revenge in very negative ways. Thus, I think that my grandmother would not be satisfied even after revenging due to inner thought struggles. In the second instance, the young man could not insult the lady since she was innocent by her being a stranger. It is likely that the guy had a mistaken identity that makes it very superstitious to judge his actions. I think that the remedy for the behavior would be requesting to know more about the events leading to the incident. The third instance involved a superstitious action. It is not clear to the observer what Janette meant by leaving her bag intentionally. People could imagine that Janette desired to do harm to the other lady and used the bag to entice her. It is likely that there was something bad inside the bag meant to cause harm to the lady.

The need to identify superstitious actions and remarks from others is important in evaluating the cases identified. It is easy to differentiate between superstitious actions and remarks to others due to the expected turn of events. The arguments given in class are a good foundation to help in evaluating the cases.

Unlocking Project Planning and Control Benefits

In the realm of project management, the pillars of success rest upon the solid foundation of meticulous planning and effective control. Whether embarking on a new venture or navigating through the complexities of ongoing projects, the benefits of project planning and control are undeniable. From enhancing efficiency to mitigating risks, this dynamic duo serves as the cornerstone for achieving organizational objectives and delivering exceptional results.

At the heart of project management lies the art of planning. This crucial phase sets the stage for what is to come, guiding the trajectory of the project from inception to completion. By meticulously outlining objectives, defining scopes, and establishing timelines, project planning provides a roadmap that aligns stakeholders and resources towards a common goal. Moreover, it fosters clarity and transparency, ensuring that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities.

One of the key advantages of project planning is its ability to anticipate and mitigate risks. Through careful analysis and forecasting, potential obstacles and challenges can be identified early on, allowing for proactive measures to be implemented. By developing contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies, project managers can minimize disruptions and navigate through uncertainties with confidence. This proactive approach not only safeguards the project’s progress but also cultivates resilience in the face of adversity, enhancing the effectiveness of Prince2 certification training in Hyderabad.

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However, the journey towards project success does not end with planning alone. Equally essential is the implementation of robust control mechanisms to monitor progress and ensure adherence to the established plan. Through continuous monitoring and evaluation, project managers can identify deviations from the original course and take corrective actions in a timely manner.

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In conclusion, the benefits of project planning and control are manifold and indispensable for achieving success in today’s competitive landscape. From laying the groundwork for success through meticulous planning to steering the project towards its objectives with effective control, these practices serve as the bedrock for excellence in project management. By embracing the principles of planning and control, organizations can maximize efficiency, mitigate risks, and unlock their full potential for success.